Tuesday, February 25, 2025

TeatroPinas : The UPLB Com Art Society’s HELPDESK XVI: Defining Spaces, an open avenue to address collective struggle in drawing boundaries between virtual and external spaces.

TeatroPinas : The UPLB Com Art Society’s HELPDESK XVI: Defining Spaces, an open avenue to address collective struggle in drawing boundaries between virtual and external spaces.

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The UPLB Com Art Society’s Helpdesk XVI: Defining Spaces is here to help struggling students navigate through their spaces! This coming October 23, 2021 a 3-hour long event spanning from 4-7pm will delve into topics concerning work-life balance and the importance of reopening the schools as a space for learning, amplifying the inter-sectoral campaign for #LigtasNaBalikEskwela.

Together with the speakers Ms. Alyssa Pamela Silvano, an exceptional artist-teacher and a business wealth consultant, and Ms. Mia Ruth Barroga, a knowledgeable teacher on communication, linguistics and research, Helpdesk XVI: Defining spaces intends to impart timely information about the selected subjects for the benefit of their audience ranging from senior high school to college students. Launching through Zoom and The UPLB Com Arts Society’s Facebook page, the event’s reactors Sieg R. Severino and Jonas Angelo Abadilla Jonas Angelo Abadilla respectively from UPLB and UPD University Student Council, and Engr. Alvin Joseph Dolores, a reputable instructor from the College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology in UPLB, will also be present as they will provide valuable insights along the discussion proper. Towards the latter part of the program, a conversational roundtable session will be held for the participants in articulation on how their experiences intersect with relative spaces in one’s life brought about by the pandemic.

Organized by the duly-recognized official academic organization for Communication Arts students in the University of the Philippines Los Baños established in 1976, The UPLB Com Arts Society believes that honing practical training experience through seminars and workshops promotes academic excellence; hence holding bi-annual events such as Helpdesk is one of the initiatives in motivation of forwarding the organization’s objectives.

For more information, visit their Facebook and Twitter pages @UPLBComArtSoc.