AESTHETICS. From the lights, colour pallet of the set, costumes, make-up and the over-all appearance, I can feel the drought and humidity. Despite of the cold temperature inside the theatre, my mind was tricking me that it was indeed hot during the whole performance.
PERFORMERS, undoubtedly this musical has a powerhouse cast. Everyone in this production is the best in the industry. No one made a mistake. Everyone was in character and full of conviction whether their appearance was long or not. In this review, allow me to highlight the characters that even weeks after watching the performance, created a massive impact.
Neil Ericson M. Tolentino as Igmeng Bugaw, as an actor he’s a person that either you’ll hate or love because of his effective performance. He is very organic as if you’re watching him in his natural state. It feels like his not acting at all. He’s the kind of performer that you would feel even without saying a line.

Neomi Gonzales as Chayong, Kakki Teodoro as Nimia and Aicelle Santos as Elsa. The three important characters of this treasure, that showcase three different perspectives and image of a woman. There’s a great balance of chemistry that you would want to see them again and again. Undoubtedly these three must be considered as treasure of Philippine Theatre Industry. Neomi, exhibits the image of a fragile woman who follows on what her environment dictates, of course that’s how her character should be. Kakki, was very tough and yet soft inside. Aicelle was of course the manipulative one. Whenever these three appears on stage they have a great balance of texture and contract of energy, by the way they projected their characters were all unique and effective.
On my personal take, the most remarkable scene was, when Nimia and Elsa visited the grave of Chayong. It was clear up to this point how beautiful that scene was. No words, no lyrics, just pure gesture of love and care for each other. It was about two to three minutes of facial expression, eye contact, movements and connection that transcends to the audiences. I can’t deny that I cried on that part because it was simply beautiful. As they start singing that’s the part when my tears burst because of how it feel their conviction and passion. It was about fixing the gap between the three of them, it was about love for a friend that no matter what happens the connection is still there. These three has a very powerful vocals and yet their hearts sings out loud. They made me feel that eternal love exists among friends. It was very beautiful!
BRAVO HIMALA: Isang Musikal 2019! Bravo!!! Congratulations everyone!