THE CCP Visual Arts and Museum Division (CCP VAMD) calls for proposals for the 2023 Earth Day Outdoor Installation, as part of the center’s Earth Day Celebration. The deadline for submission is on January 9, 2023.
Proposals should follow this year’s World Earth Day theme, which is “Invest in Our Planet,” and should highlight relevant environmental issues through public art.
Interested artists must submit their installation concept, with description of the project and the idea/s behind it. It should include the background information of the artist/curator/artist group, as well as the contact details of the proponent/s, and documentation of past works. Preliminary studies/works-in-progress and similar past works should be included in the proposal.
Proposals (should be in a single PDF file) must be sent via email: ccp.exhibitproposal@gmail.com.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the quality and maturity of artistic skills, innovativeness and contemporaneity, sensitive awareness of the artist’s responsibility to the Philippine art society, consistency with the Earth Day theme, and appropriateness, feasibility and adaptability to specified venue/site.
The selected proposal will receive a grant to cover the cost for professional fees, materials, and preparations, among others. It will be presented from April to May at the CCP Front Lawn during the Earth Day Celebration.
For more information, contact the CCP VAMD at (632) 8832-1125 loc. 1504/1505 and (632) 8832-3702, email vamd@culturalcenter.gov.ph. Follow the CCP and CCP VAMD official social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok for the latest update.